Premium water soluble synthetic coolant. SMART CUT® General Materials Formula is designed for large variety of materials and applications. Such as Glass, Natural & Semi Precious Stone, Composites, Semiconductor, Metals, Hard Tool Steels, Ceramics, Porcelain and many others. SMART CUT® General materials formula will benefit users in all industries and applications.

SMART CUT® water soluble coolant reduces material thermal stress, edge damage, internal cracking, increases tool life, provides better cut quality, preserves the material microstructure, assures long-term integrity of the material being cut and more. As a coolant SMART CUT® reduces heat caused by friction. As a lubricant SMART CUT® lowers friction and surface tension, which increases swarf dispersion.
How it Works
Stream of SMART CUT® coolant added to deionized (DI) water reduces material thermal stress, edge damage, and internal cracking, assuring long-term integrity of material being drilled. Since SMART CUT® is a coolant and lubricant, both the diamond tools and material benefit. Stream of SMART CUT® coolant added to deionized (DI) water reduces material thermal stress, edge damage, and internal cracking, assuring long-term integrity of material being processed. Since SMART CUT® is a coolant and lubricant, both the diamond tools and material benefit.
Sizes Available
- 1 Quart
- 1 gallon bottles
- 5 gallon pails
- 55 gallon drums
Mix Ration: 1:20
- 1 part coolant, & 20 parts water
- For use with Diamond Drills, Diamond Slicing Blades and Diamond Wafering / Sectioning Blades.
- Mix Ration: 1:30
- for all grinding operations
- MIX RATION: 1:75
- 1 part coolant & 75 parts water for use with Dicing Blades
SMART CUT® water soluble coolant is specifically designed to be used at a number of different concentrations. Each material and application will have an ideal concentration. The concentration will affect sump life, tool life, and surface finish. Here are some examples of different applications and their corresponding concentrations. Maintaining proper concentration is essential to obtain optimum results, specially in production setting. Based on our experience, close to 80% of the coolant issues reported by clients are directly or indirectly attributable to poor concentration control. Concentration control is difficult to achieve when the coolant is manually mixed in small batches and is virtually impossible to maintain when untrained operators mix coolant. The Systems Equipment Division carries a complete line of automatic proportioning equipment to maintain accurate coolant concentration control. (Fluid Mixers) The refractometer factor is used in determining concentration of a metalworking fluid. Each Master Chemical product has a refractive index factor for determining concentration. Consult the Data and Information Sheet for product specific refractive index factors. Multiply the refractive index (refractometer reading) by the refractometer factor and the result is the concentration of the working solution in percent. (The factor for most emulsion fluids is 1.0 so that the refractive index is the fluid concentration.) An unpleasant coolant smell is most likely attributed to anaerobic bacteria. Bacteria produce waste products, which often contain sulfur and exude the “rotten-egg” smell. Bacteria are major contributors to coolant failure. They chemically alter coolants and destroy the lubricants and corrosion inhibitors in the process. They also pass off corrosive acids and salts into the coolant, which can lead to low pH and corrosion problems. The bacterial growth can be minimized by: Oftentimes, “cover-ups” which are perfumes, can be used to mask odors but they are not a cure and their use can lead to more serious fluid problems later. Most coolants exhibit colors and odors that result from the chemicals from which they are blended. But sometimes metal cutting fluid manufacturers use dyes and colorants to give them an aesthetic appeal. They are also helpful in identification of products for companies which use a number of different products. Machine operators sometimes use color intensity as an indication of coolant concentration. Color intensity is not a good indicator of concentration as tramp oil can absorb the dyes used, and some work materials (such as cast iron) can “mask” the dye. Even with dyed coolants it is necessary to check fluid concentration properly periodically. Residue is the material left behind on the machine and workpieces after the water evaporates from the coolant solution. Residues should never interfere with the smooth and proper machine tool function but more importantly the residue should enhance the machine’s operation. Residues may be classified as: For optimum machine tool functioning, oily, non-gummy residues are preferable. If a residue is hard, gummy or crystalline, it can cause a machine’s moving parts to “stick” or “freeze” and may cause a machine malfunction. A moderate crystalline film may be tolerated on certain types of surface grinders but such a residue could cause a major problem on a 5-axis machining center. In other words, the type of machine must be considered when selecting a fluid because the type of residue may dramatically affect the machine function.
When water miscible coolants are used in machining and grinding operations the volume of fluid in the coolant sump decreases due to the physical loss of the fluid (fluid is carried off on chips and parts) and water evaporates because it absorbs heat generated in the machining or grinding operation. Proper operation requires that the fluid level is maintained at some minimum level and so “makeup fluid” must be added to replenish coolant carried out on chips and parts. Since the loss of water by evaporation causes the fluid in the sump to increase in concentration the “makeup fluid” will always be mixed at the same concentration less that of the recommended operating concentration. For example, if an emulsion coolant is to be run at 5% volume to water then the “makeup” concentration for that fluid will generally be 2.5-3.0%. Check your product data and information sheets for recommended working and “makeup” concentrations.
Mixing is crucial to maintaining stability in cutting and grinding fluids. Proper mixing instructions are available on all Master Chemical Data and Information Sheets. For optimum performance and maximum life, coolant concentrates should be mixed with chemically pure water produced by deionization or reverse osmosis. It is a general rule that concentrates should be added to the water last and mixed thoroughly. One way to remember the proper sequence of addition is to remember “O.I.L.”, meaning “oil in last”. Special mixing devices and proportioners like the UNIMIX™ and Master Mix™, which automate the mixing process and minimize the waste of concentrate, are available from Master Chemical. (Fluid Mixers)

Advanced Ceramics
Materials Research
Medical Devices
Photonics / Optics

Plain Carbon Steels
Electronic Packages
stainless Steels Plastics
Tool Steels Fasteners
Aluminum Refractories
Copper Base Alloys Integrated Circuits
Magnesium Thermal Spray Coatings
Titanium Metal Matrix Composites
Biomedical Wafers
- Petrographic
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Reduce Surface Tension
Improve Output & Reliability
Improve Surface Finish Quality
Increase Tool Life
Preserve Material Micro Structure
Reduce Thermal Stress
Reduce Chipping
Reduce Edge Damage
Reduce & Minimize Micro Cracking
Reduce Heat Transfer
Improve Process Consistency
Eliminate Secondary Processing Operations
Improve Tolerances
Minimize Swarf Accumulation
Assure Long Term Integrity of Material
Lowers Friction
Improve Tolerances
Wetting agents and increased lubricity allow high speed operation and high production yields.
Excellent Corrosion Inhibition even at lower than the recommended dilutions
None foaming
Mixes with hard or soft water
Not irritating to skin or eyes
Enhances surface finish
Effective in Preventing Odor-Causing Microbiological Growths
Pleasantly Scented
Bonds Water Molecules
User & Environment Friendly
None Staining
None Foaming
Compatible with all Filtration Systems
Non Corrosive
Economical with High Dilution Ratios
Universal Application can be used for most materials & applications

Try SMART CUT® Coolent Today and see the difference it can make for your application
Green & Environmental Friedly Coolant

NOTE: contains no nitrides, phosphates, chromates, phenols, heavy metal salts, Petroleum oils, chlorine or phosphorus. Do not add inorganic nitrates, nitrites, or organic-nitro compounds.

Why use Coolants?
Coolants increase productivity and the quality of material preserve true material micro structure, & minimize material deformation. Coolants increase the time interval between tooling changes. This saves you money by reducing the number of tool or die changes needed. Tooling changes require the shut down of the production lines, therefore less tooling changes will increase productivity. Modern coolants must fulfill two primary functions: cooling and lubrication. Both of these functions are important, but their relative importance depends on the type of operation and material being processed.
Prior to modern high-speed equipment, cooling from a lubricant was not needed. The slow cutting speeds did not generate much heat. The straight lubricants were able to transfer enough heat to avoid damage to the parts and tools. However, modern equipment operates at high speeds. This high speed movement creates tremendous amounts of heat which must be removed by the coolant. Failure to remove the heat and chips in the contact zone, between the cutting tool and the part will shorten tool life and increase the number of tool changes as well as reduce the tolerances of tooling and part because of thermal expansion.
Lubrication provided by the coolant reduces the friction between the tool and material / substrate. The coolant prevents the substrate from sticking to the tool and will increase the surface finish. Some companies are trying to eliminate coolants, which inevitably increase the amount of money spent on tooling and lost production. But some companies feel that this is worth the cost benefit of maintaining the coolant systems and the work associated with the coolants. These companies are in the minority.

SMART CUT® Coolants Helps Manufacturers and R & D Labs
Reduces Surface Tension - by 25-40 dynes/cm2. SMART CUT® Coolant allows more water into the material kerf / pores, dissipating heat generated by friction.
Bonds Water Molecules - into the kerf and to the diamond tool, allowing better swarf dispersion and lubrication.
Prevent Swarf Accumulation - on the diamond tool and in Back and frontside edges, minimizing chipping and internal cracking.
Extend Diamond & CBN Blade, Drill, Wheel, & Tool Life - by up to 30%. The lubricated blade / diamond tool runs cooler, reducing metal fatigue and blade / diamond tool wear.
Improve Material Yield and Reliability - from the reduced amount of chipping, cracking and consequent edge damage.
Eliminate Additional Material Processing - Depending on the application and your objectives, SMART CUT® Coolant frequently eliminates and minimizes secondary and subsequent material processing.
Improved Machining Tolerances - Many of today’s demanding advanced material applications provide challenges to advanced material manufacturers and R & D facilities. Obtaining tolerances less than a millionths of an inch, is not uncommon. SMART CUT® Coolant promotes attainment of close tolerances by removing heat generated at the point of contact between the tool and work piece. Heat can cause deformations in both the tool and work piece that results in the loss of tolerance. When the generation of heat and its subsequent removal by a coolant is momentarily interrupted any coolant product will adversely affect the performance of a tool and therefore ruin a tolerance specification.
1. Operator Sensitivity - SMART CUT® Coolant is formulated with operator friendly additives that will not irritate skin (dermatitis), nasal passages, or eyes.
2. Bio-resistance - SMART CUT® Coolant is formulated with biocides and fungicides to biologically control the growth of bacteria, fungi, and mold in the coolant system. The bio-resistance will determine its suitability for recycling in large central systems.
3. Corrosion Protection - SMART CUT® Coolant is formulated with corrosion inhibitors, which provide protection to machinery and the substrate. The protection needed will be determined by the customers requirements. With proper concentration, no corrosion should occur on the machinery.
4. Hard Water Stability - SMART CUT® Coolant should be stable in all water conditions. Hard water ions react with coolant additives and reduce the effectiveness of the coolant solution.
5. Mixability -Concentrate SMART CUT® Coolant should mix easily or .bloom. into the water. Any difficulty in mixing will not be tolerated by the customer.
6. Foam -All water based coolants can potentially foam SMART CUT® Coolant is formulated with defoamers to prevent foaming under most conditions. The proper selection of coolant concentration will help alleviate potential problems.
7. Residue -All water based coolants can potentially foam SMART CUT® Coolant will not leave a .hard-to-remove. residue on the surface of the machine or substrates. As the water in the coolant. evaporates organic residue will be left on the machines. This residue should not be sticky and should be easily re-dissolved in water.
8. Oxidative Stability - High temperatures and pressures will cause changes in the composition of the coolant, such as fragmentation or polymerization of the additives in the coolant formulation. This can decrease the performance of the coolant and create difficult to remove deposits.
9. Emulsion Stability - Concentrate SMART CUT® Coolant mixes easily with water and should not separate or create an invert on the surface of the coolant mixture. Customers currently using soluble oils may be experiencing particular difficulties with this problem.
10. Tramp Oil Rejection - SMART CUT® Coolant should reject the tramp oils and way lubricants, which may contaminate the sump. Other coolants which do not reject tramp oils are prone to attack by bacteria and fungal organisms.