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      UKAM Industrial Superhard Tools is a small American High Technology, Specialty Diamond Tool & Equipment Manufacturer We produce industrial diamond tools and precision cutting machines for a wide variety of industries and applications. Specializing in Manufacturing ultra thin & high precision diamond & cbn blades starting .001" (25 microns) thickness. Diamond Drills & Accessories from .001" (25 micron) to 48" (1,219mm).

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      Advanced Ceramics





      Disc Drive




      Failure Analysis





      Materials Research

      Medical Devices



      Nano Technology




      Research & Development

      Sample Preperation




      Surface Preparation

      Tool & Die

      Diamond & CBN Tools / Solutions

      Diamond Core Drills

      Diamond Drills, Core Drills, & Form Tools from .001″ to 48″ Diameter, & Drilling Accessories for drilling just about any

      Diamond Dicing Blades​

      Diamond Dicing Blades from 0.5″ (12.7mm) to 6″ (154mm) in Diameter, starting from .001″ (25 microns) thick. For all applications

      Ultra Thin & High Precision Diamond CBN & Blades

      Ultra Thin & High Precision Diamond & CBN Blades from 0.5″ (12.7mm) to 48″ (1,219mm) diameter, starting .001″ (25 microns)

      Diamond Routers, Diamond Points, Profile Tools & Milling Tools

      Large variety of diamond & cbn tools from stock and made to your specifiction using all bond types. Tools include:

      Diamond Micro Drill​s & Micro Tools

      Micro Diamond Drills are available from .001″ to .035″ in diameter (25 microns and up)

      Diamond & CBN Wheels​

      Diamond Wheels and Discs for virtually any application. Whether you are looking for ultra fine finish grinding of exotic material

      Custom Diamond & CBN Tools​

      Thousands of diamond tools are available from stock for immediate delivery. Just about any diamond tool can be designed and

      Diamond Discs & Laps ​

      Diamond & abrasive grinding, polishing and lapping solutions for many industries and applications for clients in Industry, R&D, and hobby/craft

      Diamond Wire Blades​

      Diamond wire blades made to order from 0.12mm TO 0.42mm diameteravailable for any spool for juat about any wire saw

      Diamond Band Saw Blades​

      Diamond Band Saw Blades made to order to your specifications, available in any length width

      Diamond Consumables

      Large Variety of Diamond & CBN Suspension, Paste, Slurry, and Powders are available in Monocrystalline, Polyscrstalline, & Natural Diamond. Used

      Consumables for Sample Preparation Metallography & Materials Research

      Consumables for materials preparation, metallography, quality control, materials research. For sectioning, rough grinding, fine grinding, polishing.

      Diamond Tool Accessories​

      we offer large variety of accessories and consumables for our tools and equipment including: coolants, dressing sticks, flanges, wheel stiffeners,

      Precision Abrasives

      Larger variety of precision abrasives for sample & surface preparation. Abrasive Cut Off Blades, Discs, Rolls, Belts, Wheels, Film, Powders,

      Diamond Tools for Concrete & Construction

      High quality standard and custom tools for contractors. Our tools provide higher level of performance compared to what is typically

      Diamond Dressers

      Dressing Tools for For truing and dressing of conventional abrasive grinding wheels. Single point, multi point, chisel shape, straight, angle,

      Ultra Thin, High Precision & Micro Carbide Tools

      Tungsten carbide micro drills, micro tools and ultra thin & high precision cutting blades from stock and custom manufactured to

      Diamond Rotary Dressers

      Diamond rollers are used to form grinding wheels for many different kinds of mass production. Shorter dressing time and long

      Precision Machining Services

      We offer large variety of of services including: Dicing, Slicing, Sectioning, Drilling, Coring, Micro Drilling, Grinding, Polishing, & Machining

      Process Development

      Experienced Engineers and Application Laboratory, Equipped with some of the latest Slicing, Dicing, Wafering, Drilling, & Micro Drilling Equipment is

      Precision Cutting Saws

      Precision Cutting Machines for Laboratory & Industry. Used in Research and Development, Quality Control, Failure Analysis, Materials Research, & Industrial

      Grinding & Polishing Equipment ​

      Grinding & Polishing Equipment for Laboratory & Industry. Used in Research and Development, Quality Control, Failure Analysis, Materials Research, &

      Find Diamond & CBN Tools By Bond Type

      SMART CUT® Technology​

      Advanced technology that redefines the standard. Every diamond or cbn crystal evenly positioned oriented in open bond matrix. Each crystal

      Sintered (Metal Bond) Diamond

      Many types and forms of sintered (meta bond) diamond cbn tools are available from stock custom manufacturing. Diameters from small

      Electroplated Diamond & CBN Tools​

      we manufacture multi layered electroplated tools. They have 3 layers of diamonds, not just 1 layer of diamonds like conventional

      Resin Bond Diamond & CBN Tools

      we manufactured resin bond tools with advanced molding process. Available in a large variety of diamond, thicknesses, arbor/mandrel sizes, geometries,

      Hybrid Bond Diamond & CBN Tools​

      HYBRID BOND Tools exhibit provide long life, maintaining superior form, shape, while consistently delivering excellent surface finish. These tools are

      Braised Bond Diamond & CBN Tools

      Braised Bond Diamond Tools are perfect for machining tough- to-cut materials where fast stock removal and deep cuts are required.

      Vitrified Bond Diamond & CBN Tools​

      Fired Ceramic Bond matrix, which is very brittle and porous. Also known as ceramic bond. Based on fusible glasses combined

      PCD & PCBN (Polycrystalline Diamond Tools)

      PCD PCBN Tools for wide variety of industries applications. Available from stock custom manufacturing to fit your requirements. PCD Micro

      CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) Diamond Tools

      Standard & Custom (CVD) Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond Tools. Used for graphite, carbon, green ceramic, carbon fiber, reinforced polymers, fiberglass,

      Knowledge Center

      What you should know

      your next diamond tool?


      (661) 257-2288
      9am to 6pm PST

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