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UKAM Industrial Superhard Tools is a U.S. High Tech, Specialty Diamond Tool & Equipment manufacturer.
LEADER in Slicing, Dicing, & Drilling. We provide advanced diamond tools for a wide variety of industries and applications. applications. “REAL SOLUTIONS” to your everyday cutting, drilling, grinding, and machining needs.Our products & solutions are used around the world by over 35,000 clients in Industry, Research & Development, Hobby, Contractor & Many Other applications.
TOTAL DRILLING SOLUTION. Diamond Drills / Bits from 001" to 48" Diameter, for just about any material / application. Diamond Drills are available from inventory in many different specifications, outside & inside diameters, drilling depths, bond types, diamond mesh sizes, mountings, & tolerances.
For all applications and all types of Dicing Saws such as: K & S (Micro-Swiss), Disco ADT Veeco MECO MTI ITI Meyer & Burger Surface Grinders Many Others. Applications:BGA Packages,QFN, Alsmag, LiTaO3 & LiNbo, FR4 and Resin, PCB, MANY OTHERS...
Precision Diamond Slicing Blades & Dicing Blades used for Slicing, Dicing, Wafering, Cut-off, Singulation, Grooving, Slotting, Cross Sectioning, Gang Sawing, Slabbing, Rough Cutting. On a full variety of advanced, non-ferrous and ferrous materials, ultra hard materials,....
Micro Diamond Drills are available from .001" to .035" in diameter (25 microns and up)...
Diamond Wheels and Discs for virtually any application. Whether you are looking for ultra fine finish grinding of exotic material to, fast and aggressive removal of alumina, we can help you get the most out of your grinding process....
Thousands of diamond tools are available from stock for immediate delivery. Just about any diamond tool can be designed and manufactured per customer drawing or specifications. Over past 50 years, Over 35,000 different types & specification diamond tools have been manufactured...
Diamond & abrasive grinding, polishing and lapping
solutions for many industries and applications for
clients in Industry, R& D, and hobby/craft applications.
Diamond wire blades made to order from 0.12mm TO 0.42mm diameter available for any spool for juat about any wire saw machine
Diamond Band Saw Blades made to order to your
specifications, available in any length width from
.250" (6.4mm) kerf thickness from 0.020" (0.5mm)
diamond grit size 35 mesh to 120 mesh
Our experienced group of engineers have the equipment and experience to provide full range of diamond dicing, micro drilling, core drilling, lapping, grinding, & polishing services. And process development services. We can turn your vision into eality...
Consumables for materials preparation, metallography, quality control, materials research. For sectioning, rough grinding, fine grinding, polishing. Abrasive Cut off Wheels, Diamond Wafering Blades, Bonded Abrasives, Diamond Compounds,...
We offer large variety of accessories and
consumables for our tools and equipment
including: coolants, dressing sticks, flanges,
wheel stiffeners, water swivel and shank
From high capacity cutting of very large work pieces to precision machining to work with even the most delicate Specimens, Advanced Materials, Ultra Hard Materials, Optics. Used in Research and Development, Quality Control, Failure Analysis, as well as High Production. ...
6" to 24" (150mm to 609mm) diamond grinding,
polishing, & lapping machines for Industry and R&
D. Designed coarse & fine grinding and polishing of
Advanced, Ultra Hard & Brittle Materials, Optical
Materials, Composites. High hardness materials
including metals, ceramics, refractories, cement, and petrographic thin sections.
First company to develop SMART CUT™ technology. ADVANCED Technology that redefines the standard in cutting and drilling. Diamonds are oriented inside matrix so that every diamond is better able to participate in cutting, drilling, or diamond machining action. Every diamonds works in the right place and at the right time, where you need it most
Electroplated Diamond Products from 0.5 microns to 20 grit (diamond mesh size) in Synthetic, Natural Diamond or CBN (cubic boron nitride). Electroplated Diamond Products Manufactured by UKAM Industrial are Multi Layered. They have 3 layers of diamonds, not just 1 layer of diamonds like conventional electroplated diamond tools. This provides longer drilling life, faster and freer machining action, & more consistent performance.
Precision Diamond Slicing Blades & Dicing Blades used for Slicing, Dicing, Wafering, Cut-off, Singulation, Grooving, Slotting, Cross Sectioning, Gang Sawing, Slabbing, Rough Cutting. On a full variety of advanced, non-ferrous and ferrous materials, ultra hard materials,....
Between METAL BOND and RESIN BOND. Resin bond process with added nano fillers to increase bond hardness. Hybrid bond offers advantages of cutting speed and fine finish that you have come to expect in a resin bond, along with long life, consistency, aggressiveness, durability, and excellent performance typically available in sintered (metal bond)
Fired Ceramic Bond matrix, which is very brittle and porous. Also known as ceramic bond. Based on fusible glasses combined with fillers and abrasive grains.Offers durability of sintered (metal bond), along with free cutting action of resin bond. Vitrified bond has higher bonding strength then resin bond. Vitrified bond diamond tools are free cutting, produce good surface roughness, have good wear resistance and retain straightness and form very well.
PCD (polycrystalline diamond) is composed of diamond particles that are sintered with a metallic binder at extreme temperatures and pressures, creating the hardest and one of the most abrasion resistant materials used in cutting tools. These inserts are braised on to cutting tools and are used in machining applications in many applications where you find carbide toolingthat includes sawing, routing, drilling and profiling to maximize tool life and reduce production cost.
CVD diamond coating takes place in a vacuum chamber using a hot-filament, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process. Carbon gases are introduced into the vacuum chamber where high temperatures cause carbon atoms to re-bond into a 100% pure crystalline diamond structure. The crystalline diamond slowly grows on the surface of cutting tools (usually made from carbide) forming a continuous coating of up to 20 microns in thickness. Standard carbide tooling with this type of coating depending on application will last 10 to 50 times longer.
Abrasive Cut Off Wheels, Abrasive Discs, Abrasive Rolls/Strips, Abrasive Belts, Silicon Carbide (SIC), Zirconia Alumina (ZA), Aluminum Oxide (ALOX), Grinding Wheels - (Aluminum Oxide and Silicon Carbide), Lapping Films (Plain Backed & PSA Backed, Felt Polishing Pads
Slicing, Dicing, Wafering, Cut-off, Singulation, Grooving, Slotting, Cross Sectioning, Gang Sawing, Slabbing, Rough Cutting, Drilling, Milling, Carving, grinding, polishing, chamfering, and many others
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